张银巧,清华大学博士,中国药科大学2022年高层次引进人才,特聘副研究员,硕士研究生导师。以第一作者和通讯作者在国际知名期刊Water Research、 Applied Catalysis B: Environmental、Chemical Engineering Journal等发表论文十余篇。现主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目、江苏省自然科学基金青年基金项目、江苏省双创计划项目、中国药科大学高层次人才项目。
Sijin Zuo*, Ruixin Guo, Wendan Xue, Jingge Shang, Jianqiu Chen*, Yinqiao Zhang*. Decipher the key role of ketone toward singlet oxygen evolution in Fenton-like process for water decontamination. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2023, 339, 123100.
Yinqiao Zhang, Yang Guo, Jingyun Fang, Kaiheng Guo, Gang Yu, Yujue Wang*. Characterization of UV/chlorine process for micropollutant abatement by probe compound-based kinetic models. Water Research, 2023, 237, 119985.
Yinqiao Zhang, Juhong Zhan, Bin Wang, Jun Huang, Shubo Deng, Gang Yu, Sridhar Komarneni, Yujue Wang*. Integration of ultraviolet irradiation with electrochemical chlorine and hydrogen peroxide production for micropollutant abatement.Chemical EngineeringJournal, 2022, 430, 132804.
Yinqiao Zhang, Huijiao Wang, Yang Li, Bin Wang, Jun Huang, Shubo Deng, Gang Yu, Yujue Wang*. Removal of micropollutants by an electrochemically driven UV/chlorine process for decentralized water treatment. Water Research, 2020, 182, 116115.
Yinqiao Zhang, Sijin Zuo, Ying Zhang, Gengbo Ren, Yuwei Pan, Qizhan Zhang, Minghua Zhou*. Simultaneous removal of tetracycline and disinfection by a flow-through electro-peroxone process for reclamation from municipal secondary effluent.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 368, 771-777.
Yinqiao Zhang, Qizhan Zhang, Sijin Zuo, Minghua Zhou*, Yuwei Pan, Gengbo Ren, Yanchun, Li, Ying Zhang*. A highly ef?cient ?ow-through electro-Fenton system enhanced with nitrilotriacetic acid for phenol removal at neutral pH.Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 697, 134173.
Yinqiao Zhang, Sijin Zuo, Ying Zhang, Ming Li, Jingju Cai, Minghua Zhou*. Disinfection of simulated ballast water by a flow-through electro-peroxone process.Chemical EngineeringJournal, 2018, 348, 485-493.
Yinqiao Zhang1, Sijin Zuo1, Minghua Zhou*, Liang Liang, Gengbo Ren. Removal of tetracycline by coupling of flow-through electro-Fenton and in-situ regenerative active carbon felt adsorption. Chemical EngineeringJournal, 2018, 335, 685-692.